International Minerals Innovation Institute

Government Of Saskatchewan Supports Research Internships For Graduate Students

The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $400,000 in funding to support internships in science, technology, engineering and math through Mitacs, a not-for-profit organization that fosters growth and innovation in Canada for business and academia. This funding is expected to leverage about $2 million in federal and industry funding and in-kind support.  This investment supports up […]

Focus on Indigenous Youth – SMA and STC Youth First Responder Boot Camp

During the week of July 16 – 20, a group of 20 youth, aged 13 to 17, from seven different Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) communities, participated in a first-of-its-kind, week-long boot camp for potential careers as first responders. The boot camp was created as a partnership between the Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA) and STC, with […]

New challenges announced by IMII

SASKATOON ‐ The International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII), on behalf of its funding members, ispleased to announce a new set of Diversity & Inclusion Challenges, and is again inviting applications withinnovative new approaches to increase the numbers of Indigenous people and women employed in theminerals sector, and to help them thrive in the career opportunities […]

Innovation institute boosting diversity efforts

Sask Mining Report The Saskatchewan mining industry understands that diversity and inclusion are a long-term challenge. Al Shpyth, executive director of the Saskatoon-based International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII), says that while progress has been made, more can be done. “While Saskatchewan mining is known for being among the best Indigenous employers in the country, there […]

Electric mining vehicle wins inaugural innovation award

Sask Mining Report Don’t underestimate the ingenuity of the gopher. That’s in part the message behind an inaugural award for industry innovation from an international mining organization based in Saskatchewan. In April, the International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) gave its first-ever Innovation Award to a Saskatoon-based company, recognizing its achievement in designing and manufacturing a […]

IMII Picks Battery Electric Vehicle from Prairie Machine & Parts

Potential to replace diesel-powered vehicles with safer, cleaner electric vehicles for underground (Saskatoon SK:) International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII), on behalf of its member companies and Innovation Saskatchewan, today announced Prairie Machine & Parts Mfg.’s (PMP) Hardrock Gopher prototype as the winner of IMII’s inaugural Innovation Award.  The Gopher has been designed for tough mining […]

DEMOday 2018

Ore Magazine, Spring/Summer 2018 First-ever DEMOday is an opportunity to for supply chain companies to pitch new innovations directly to Saskatchewan’s major mining companies. The Saskatchewan Mining Supply Chain Forum has become a destination showcase for new and innovative technology, attracting both mining companies and suppliers.  One of the most anticipated events of this year’s […]

Bringing Innovation to the Mining Industry

(Saskatoon SK:) On Tuesday, April 10th, and on the eve of the 10th Annual Saskatchewan Mining Supply Chain Forum, five innovations that matter to miningwill be presented to a panel of representatives from Saskatchewan’s leading minerals companies in the International Minerals Innovation Institute’s inaugural DEMOday. They are: A radically new style of conveyor belt roller […]

Saskatchewan 2nd most attractive jurisdiction worldwide for mining investment; Quebec and Ontario also in global top 10

Fraser Institute February22, 2018 For Immediate Release CALGARY—Saskatchewan is the world’s second most attractive jurisdiction for mining investment after Finland, according to the latest Annual Survey of Mining Companies released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.  “Rich mineral reserves, competitive taxes, efficient permitting procedures and certainty around environmental regulations […]

Saskatchewan minerals institute funds five projects to increase diversity in mining

CIM Magazine A mentorship program for women in mining, mining-focused lesson plans for Indigenous youth and a program encouraging young girls to consider careers in mining were among the winners of the International Minerals Innovation Institute’s (IMII) first-ever “diversity and inclusion challenge” in late January. The Saskatchewan-based institute – which has a membership made up of […]