International Minerals Innovation Institute

Fay Myers Presents at the Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) Summit

Fay attended the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) summit on Monday, October 21 in Ottawa and referenced IMII in her presentation. Each region of Canada was to do a short 4 minute presentation on the skills agenda in their province including strategies to address the skills shortage, future directions and plans to address research, […]

IMII Partners to Launch Mining Options for U of S College of Engineering Students

The International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) is very pleased to announce the signing of a $1,676,000 funding agreement over three years for the development and delivery of five additional mining courses in three engineering disciplines at the University of Saskatchewan. The areas of focus are Geological, Mechanical, and Chemical, leading to the creation of three […]

Mining Week 2013

IMII was featured in an article in the Mining Week 2013 special section of the Leader Post. To view this article, click here.