
Membership in IMII enables a company to:

  • Pool resources with others to foster innovative new technologies and human resources, and
  • Through this, drive the kind of change that individual companies struggle to achieve on their own, and
  • Connect with all sectors devoted to developing innovations that matter to the minerals industry in Saskatchewan
Membership enables research and capacity building partners to work with one or more IMII minerals member companies to:
  • Advance industry-focused research and talent development
  • Build specialized infrastructure focused on RD&D productivity
  • Develop the province’s innovation ecosystem
  • Attract talent to themselves and the industry
  • Build and support capable local suppliers
  • Develop high quality human resources

Membership provides opportunities for members to:

  • Participate in a world class collaboration environment with their peers and others in the innovation ecosystem
  • Propose, anchor, and drive projects to achieve results for industry excellence not available through self-action
  • Participate in, contribute to, and benefit from the industry’s innovation loop
  • Influence future horizons for E&T and RD&D for the minerals industry
  • Meet and learn from others in the ecosystem and increase understanding of the possible
  • Build their reputation within the ecosystem

Minerals Companies:

A minerals company means a company or group, of which the extraction of mineral resources from within the Province of Saskatchewan, is a principal (i.e., an operator) or planned (e.g.. exploration, development) activity.

Annual Membership:

Category “A” – revenues greater than $1 billion

  • $100,000 membership fee
  • $100,000 project contributions (cash or in-kind)


  • Influence the strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors.
  • Support “in house” RD&D and E&T/D&I efforts.
    • Prioritize initiatives and recommend projects for approval through a seat on the IMII Industry Panels – one each for RD&D and E&T/D&I.
    • Participate in identifying, scoping, and solving the most critical innovation priorities and issues of the Saskatchewan minerals industry.
    • Set IMII program parameters and project terms of reference.
    • Collaborate on diversity & inclusion efforts and share in the benefits.
    • Work with other companies through working groups to develop and share innovations that matter to mining at reduced costs and risks.
    • Participate in proposed or existing IMII projects – no restrictions on number of projects.
    • Propose the development of new IMII projects.
    • Identify and gain early access to highly qualified personnel arising from IMII projects through sponsored internships.
    • Gain access to subject matter experts and specialized RD&D infrastructure of institutions members including access to researchers and solution providers through IMII processes.
    • Opportunity to engage with industry and get direct feedback and a deep understanding of industry needs.
  • Gain recognition as an innovation capacity builder.
    • Promotion through IMII in news releases, annual reports, websites, and social media.
    • Participate in Minerals Company member only events such as DEMOday.
    • Create new relationships within the minerals industry innovation ecosystem.
    • Speaking opportunities at IMII events.
    • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Minerals Companies (Category A)

Annual Membership:Category “B” – revenues between $100,000 million and $1 billion

  • $50,000 membership fee
  • $50,000 project contributions (cash or in-kind)


  • Influence the strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors – elect one representative from the group in this category.
  • Support “in house” RD&D and E&T/D&I efforts.
    • Prioritize initiatives and recommend projects for approval through a seat on the IMII Industry Panels – elect one representative for every four members from the category for each of the two panels – RD&D and E&T/D&I.
    • Participate in identifying, scoping, and solving the most critical innovation priorities and issues of the Saskatchewan minerals industry.
    • Set IMII program parameters and project terms of reference.
    • Collaborate on diversity & inclusion efforts and share in the benefits.
    • Work with other companies through working groups to develop and share innovations that matter to mining at reduced costs and risks.
    • Participate in proposed or existing IMII projects – 1 to 3 projects per year.
    • Propose the development of new IMII projects.
    • Identify and gain early access to highly qualified personnel arising from IMII projects through sponsored internships.
    • Gain access to subject matter experts and specialized RD&D infrastructure of institutions members including access to researchers and solution providers through IMII processes.
    • Opportunity to engage with industry and get direct feedback and a deep understanding of industry needs.
  • Gain recognition as an innovation capacity builder.
    • Promotion through IMII in news releases, annual reports, websites, and social media.
    • Participate in Minerals Company member only events such as DEMOday – limited number of participants.
    • Create new relationships within the minerals industry innovation ecosystem.
    • Speaking opportunities at IMII events.
    • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Minerals Companies (Category B)

Annual Membership:

Category “C” – revenues less than $100,000 million

  • $10,000 membership fee
  • $10,000 project contributions (cash or in-kind)


  • Influence the strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors – elect ten representative from the group in this category.
  • Support “in house” RD&D and E&T/D&I efforts.
    • Prioritize initiatives and recommend projects for approval through a seat on the IMII Industry Panels – elect one representative for every ten members from the category for each of the two panels – RD&D and E&T/D&I.
    • Participate in identifying, scoping, and solving the most critical innovation priorities and issues of the Saskatchewan minerals industry.
    • Set IMII program parameters and project terms of reference.
    • Collaborate on diversity & inclusion efforts and share in the benefits.
    • Work with other companies through working groups to develop and share innovations that matter to mining at reduced costs and risks.
    • Participate in proposed or existing IMII projects – 1 project per year.
    • Propose the development of new IMII projects.
    • Identify and gain early access to highly qualified personnel arising from IMII projects through sponsored internships.
    • Gain access to subject matter experts and specialized RD&D infrastructure of institutions members including access to researchers and solution providers through IMII processes.
    • Opportunity to engage with industry and get direct feedback and a d
  • Gain recognition as an innovation capacity builder.
    • Promotion through IMII in news releases, annual reports, websites, and social media.
    • Participate in Minerals Company member only events such as DEMOday – limited number of participants.
    • Create new relationships within the minerals industry innovation ecosystem.
    • Speaking opportunities at IMII events.
    • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Minerals Companies (Category C)

Solution Providers

Solution Providers are companies involved in the supply of equipment, technology, and services to the minerals industry, including capital equipment, contract mining, mining consumables, professional services including engineering and consulting, software and advanced technologies, and equipment supply.

Solution Providers influence the strategic direction of the organization through an elected seat on the Board of Directors.

Annual Membership:

Category “A” – revenues greater than $100,000 million

  • $25,000 membership fee
  • $25,000 project contributions (cash or in-kind)


  • Provide input into IMII strategic plans or other planning documents through member only meetings, focus groups, workshops, surveys, or other forms of engagement selected by IMII.
  • Obtain advance information about IMII’s Priority Areas and project work.
  • Participate in IMII working groups.
  • Enhanced networking and engagement opportunities with IMII minerals company members.
  • Propose the development of new IMII projects.
  • Participate in proposed or existing IMII projects.
  • Promotion through IMII in news releases, annual reports, websites, and social media.
  • Opportunity to engage with industry and get direct feedback and a deep understanding of industry needs.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Solutions Provider (Category A)

Annual Membership:

Category “B” – revenues between $25,000 million and $100,000 million

  • $10,000 membership fee
  • $10,000 project contributions (cash or in-kind)


  • Provide input into IMII strategic plans or other planning documents through member only meetings, focus groups, workshops, surveys, or other forms of engagement selected by IMII.
  • Obtain advance information about IMII’s Priority Areas and project work.
  • Participate in IMII working groups.
  • Enhanced networking and engagement opportunities with IMII minerals company members.
  • Propose the development of new IMII projects.
  • Participate in proposed or existing IMII projects.
  • Promotion through IMII in news releases, annual reports, websites, and social media.
  • Opportunity to engage with industry and get direct feedback and a deep understanding of industry needs.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Solutions Provider (Category B)

Annual Membership:

Category “C” – revenues less than $25,000 million

  • $5,000 membership fee
  • $5,000 project contributions (cash or in-kind)


  • Provide input into IMII strategic plans or other planning documents through member only meetings, focus groups, workshops, surveys, or other forms of engagement selected by IMII.
  • Participate in IMII working groups – limited to one working group.
  • Enhanced networking and engagement opportunities with IMII minerals company members.
  • Propose the development of new IMII projects.
  • Participate in proposed or existing IMII projects – 1 per year (unless invited).
  • Promotion through IMII in news releases, annual reports, websites, and social media.
  • Opportunity to engage with industry and get direct feedback and a deep understanding of industry needs.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Solutions Provider (Category C)


Federal and provincial government agencies and departments that share a commitment to innovation in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry through IMII and demonstrate this through the provision of funding and other relevant resources for industry, government, and academic collaboration in building capacity in the innovation ecosystem.

  • Provide funding, policies, and services in support of innovation and the building of innovation capacity.
  • Promote alignment among actors in the minerals industry innovation ecosystem.

Annual Membership:

Match Minerals Companies membership and project contributions.


  • Influencing strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors.
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate the pace of technology performance improvements in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate diversity & inclusion in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Opportunity to align strategic efforts with the minerals industry and ensure innovation budgets and capacities can be effectively utilized in both the short and long term.
  • Companies access your state-of-the-art infrastructures and expertise.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.


Institutions / Capacity Builders

Post-secondary and/or research institutions based in Saskatchewan that contribute novel ideas, relevant education and training and/or sophisticated facilities to the minerals industry innovation ecosystem.

  • Direct contributors of innovation capacity (e.g., researchers, educators, trainers, labs, and test facilities)
  • Potential contributors to entrepreneurial capacity
  • Must have a history of responsiveness to minerals industry innovation opportunities and needs (e.g., research and/or teach is necessary for but not sufficient to meet industry innovation needs)

Major Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions that are both research intensive and degree granting. The following institutions have been granted a seat on the IMII Board of Directors:

  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • University of Regina
  • University of Saskatchewan

Annual Membership:

  • $5,000 membership fee
  • 25% in project contribution in which they are a recipient of IMII funding.


  • Influencing strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors (elected position for training institutions).
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate the pace of technology performance improvements in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate diversity & inclusion in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Opportunity to align strategic efforts with the minerals industry and ensure innovation budgets and capacities can be effectively utilized in both the short and long term.
  • Companies access your state-of-the-art infrastructures and expertise.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Training institutions elect a representative for one seat on the IMII Board of Directors:

Annual Membership:
25% in project contribution in which they are a recipient of IMII funding.


  • Influencing strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors (elected position for training institutions).
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate the pace of technology performance improvements in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate diversity & inclusion in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Opportunity to align strategic efforts with the minerals industry and ensure innovation budgets and capacities can be effectively utilized in both the short and long term.
  • Companies access your state-of-the-art infrastructures and expertise.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Risk Capital Providers

Risk Capital Providers are banks, foundations, local economic development authorities, incubators, accelerators, and venture capital funds that want to support the development and deployment of new technological solutions for the minerals industry.

Annual Membership:

  • $5,000 membership fee
  • Match to industry project funding


  • Influencing strategic direction of the organization through a seat on the Board of Directors (elected position).
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate the pace of technology performance improvements in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Work closely with IMII minerals company and solution provider members to accelerate diversity & inclusion in Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.
  • Opportunity to align strategic efforts with the minerals industry and ensure innovation budgets and capacities can be effectively utilized in both the short and long term.
  • Companies access your state-of-the-art infrastructures and expertise.
  • Build awareness of your company with students interested in pursuing mining careers, and within the mining research community.

Click here to view Risk Capital