International Minerals Innovation Institute

The International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) is very pleased to announce the signing of a $1,676,000 funding agreement over three years for the development and delivery of five additional mining courses in three engineering disciplines at the University of Saskatchewan. The areas of focus are Geological, Mechanical, and Chemical, leading to the creation of three mining options for undergraduate students in those disciplines within the College of Engineering.

These new classes and programs for U of S engineering students meet the needs as identified by IMII’s members from the Saskatchewan’s minerals industry.  The ultimate aim of this initiative is to see the re-establishment of a full undergraduate degree program in mining engineering, the first graduates of which expected in 2019. The first graduates in the Geological Mining Option program are expected in 2015, and then in 2016 for the Chemical and Mechanical engineering programs.

This funding agreement is the first of a number of innovative collaborations, through IMII, expected between industry, the Government of Saskatchewan, and the province’s post-secondary educational institutions. These will see industry members contribute direct funding for education and training. IMII’s role is to work with industry, the institutions, and the Province to provide leadership and capacity-building in their design and implementation.

IMII has a role at the intersection of the needs not only of industry but, in the bigger picture, also serves the Province’s goals of a better quality of life for Saskatchewan. IMII will help address four of the six core growth activities that are stated in the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth – Vision 2020 and Beyond: educating, training and developing a skilled workforce; ensuring the ongoing competitiveness of Saskatchewan’s economy; supporting increased trade, investment, and exports through international engagement; and advancing Saskatchewan’s natural resource strengths, particularly through innovation, to build the next economy.

Rodney Orr, Executive Director of IMII, commented on the announcement, “On behalf of IMII’s minerals industry members, I am very pleased that we have participated this very important educational initiative with the University of Saskatchewan that will see new engineers graduating specifically for careers in Saskatchewan’s rapidly expanding minerals industry. This is the first of what I expect will be a number of education and training initiatives by IMII.”

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